Worship Service – May 24, 2020

(10:15) Facebook Live Stream Sunday

Prelude/ Lighting of the Candles

Opening Prayer: Holy God, we celebrate your presence this day. For the gift of resurrection, we give you thanks and praise. For the gift of your ongoing presence in our lives, we rejoice and sing. Overwhelm us with your presence here, that we might be overwhelmed with joy. In joyous
gratitude, we pray. Amen.

Passing of the Peace: (L)The Peace of Christ be with you
(P) And Also with you.

Opening Songs: “Hear our Praises” Praise book #3064 & “He Knows My Name” Praise book #3029

(L) Hebrews 4:14 Since, then, we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus, the Son of God, let us hold fast to our confession. With faith and hope, let us confess our sin.

Prayer of Confession: Heavenly Christ, come down from on high to be with us, even in our darkest hours. As you share in our suffering, share your love in the midst of our shortcomings and our failings. Raise us to new heights with your forgiveness and mercy, that we may glorify you in all that we say and in all that we do. Enter into our sorrows with grace and hope, that we
might be overwhelmed with joy. In your holy name, we pray. Amen.

Words of Assurance: The Risen Christ is here, restoring, empowering, and strengthening us. We are established as God’ beloved children, forgiven and made new in Christ’s love.

In Memory of Our Heroes Who Have Gone Ahead Pastor Ed

Hymn of Illumination Spirit of the Living God UMH #393

Children’s Chat

Offertory call (Liturgist, please call ushers forward at this time)
Remember the words Jesus said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.
Offertory Music
Offertory Prayer: With joy, we bring our gifts. With joy, we offer our lives. May the offering of our gifts and our very selves bring joy throughout the world. Amen.

Scripture Reading: Acts 1:6-14
L: This is the word of the Lord.
P: Thanks be to God.

Song of Response Surely the presence of the Lord UMH#328

Message Devout Yourselves in Prayer By Edward Granadosin
Pastor East Alton 1st UMC

Pastoral Prayer


Closing Hymn Onward Christian Soldiers 1st & 3rd verses UMH #575



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East Alton, IL 62024

Sunday 8am – 12pm
Monday-Thursday 10am – 12pm
Closed Friday and Saturday

Phone: 618-259-1306

Email:  EAFUMC@hotmail.com

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