Worship Service – Sept. 27, 2020
10:15 Facebook Live Stream Worship Sunday
Prelude/ Lighting of the Candles Sue Keasler
Opening Prayer: Holy Mystery, the stories of our ancestors touch us as dark sayings of old. Help us behold truths in their stories, we are frightened to see in our own. Open our eyes to see your presence amidst their hopes and fears. Open our hearts to the courage it takes to assume leadership in our communities, while remaining your faithful followers. Open our minds to
perceive hope in the midst of despair. We believe, Great Spirit. Help our unbelief.
Passing of the Peace: (L)The Peace of Christ be with you
(P) And Also with you.
Opening Praise Songs: Let the River Flow & Still
Romans 10:9-10 “because if you confess with your lips that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For one believes with the heart and so is justified, and one confesses with the mouth and so is saved.” So let us draw near to God with sincerity and confidence, and pray together.
Prayer of Confession: God of second chances, you are always there for us. In the midst of our grumbling, we yearn to find the strength of our convictions. In the course of our struggles, we long to soldier humbly on, forsaking positions of power and authority. We want to work gladly in
your vineyard, without thought of reward or acknowledgement. Renew us in your compassion and grace, that our eyes may be opened to your presence and our minds may be filled with the very mind of Christ. Amen.
Words of Assurance: Hear the good news: No matter who you are, or what you have done, Christ welcomes us into God’s kingdom with open arms. When we open our hearts and our lives to Christ, God’s forgiveness is truly ours.
Hymn of Illumination Spirit Song (1st Verse only) UMH #347
Children’s Chat
Offertory call (Liturgist, please call ushers forward at this time)
Remember the words Jesus said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive. Offertory Music Sue Keasler
Offertory Prayer: God of overflowing abundance, when your people suffered from thirst, you satisfied their need with water from a rock. Receive our gifts this day, O God, and transform our gifts into blessing that grace the lives of others like an ever-flowing streams. Receive our thanks
and our praise, our industry and our love, that all might share your manifold blessings. Amen.
Special Song
Scripture Reading: Exodus 7:1-7 L: This is the word of the Lord.
P: Thanks be to God.
Song of Response As the Deer The Faith We Sing
Message Strike the Rock? Pastor Ed Granadosin
Pastoral Prayer
Closing Hymn Have Thine Own Way Lord (# verses only) UMH #382