Worship Service – March 14, 2021

10:15am In-person & Facebook Live Stream Worship Sunday

Opening Prayer: God of glory and might, speak to us with your wisdom, that we might truly hear you. Display your majesty, that we might truly see you. Transform the chaos of our lives with the clarity of your call, that we might worship you in spirit and in truth. Amen.

Passing of the Peace: (L)The Peace of Christ be with you
(P) And Also with you.

Opening Song: Let the River Flow

Daniel 9:4 I prayed to the LORD my God and confessed: “LORD, the great and awesome God, who keeps his covenant of love with those who love him and keep his commandments. So, let us draw near to God with sincerity and confidence, and pray together.

Prayer of Confession: When we set up barriers that prevent others from knowing the truth of your love, forgive us and break down those walls. When we set up barriers in our own minds and lives that keep us from knowing the truth of your love, break down our walls with your
grace. When we are confused by the world’s wisdom, break through our muddled minds and shine the clarity of your teachings. Draw us ever closer to you, to one another, and to the beauty of your wisdom and your love. Amen.

WORDS OF ASSURANCE: Christ reduces the barriers we set up to dust and ashes that blow away nothing in the power of his mercy and his grace. We are no longer divided or separated, but are united in the wisdom and the love of God.

Hymn of Illumination Turn your Eyes Upon Jesus (1st Verse only) UMH# 349

Children’s Chat

Offertory call
Remember the words Jesus said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive. Offertory Music by Sue Keasler
Offering (click to tithe online)
Offertory Prayer: May the gifts we bring be gifts of love. May the offerings we share be offerings of our hearts. May each gift be blessed by your grace, that others may know the truth of your wisdom and your love. Amen.

Special Song

The Gospel Reading John 4:25-30, 39-42 L: This is the word of the Lord.
P: Thanks be to God.

Song of Response Thy Word is a Lamp UMH# 601

Message nobody VS NOBODY by Shelly Foiles Harvey

Pastoral Prayer


Closing Hymn Come Thou Fount in Every Blessing (3 stanzas only) UMH #400



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East Alton, IL 62024

Sunday 8am – 12pm
Monday-Thursday 10am – 12pm
Closed Friday and Saturday

Phone: 618-259-1306

Email:  EAFUMC@hotmail.com

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All are Welcome with open hearts, open minds, and open doors. Come grow with us!