Morning Worship

East Alton First United Methodist Church 1001 East Third Street, East Alton, IL

Please join us for our blended service on Sunday mornings at 10:15am.

Church Bowling League Starts

If you are interested in bowling on the church bowling league, please join us at Airport Bowl in Bethalto on Monday, September 9 at 6:30pm.


Worship Committee Meeting

The Worship Committee will meet on Tuesday, September 10 at 6pm in the conference room.

Finance Committee Meeting

The Finance Committee will meet on Wednesday, September 11 at 6:30pm.

Church Council

The Church Council will meet in the library on Thursday, September 12 at 6:30pm.

SAK Volunteer Appreciation Dinner

Pastor Ed will be hosting a SAK volunteer appreciation movie night and hot dog roast.  Come join the fun as we celebrate YOU, our faithful volunteers!