Worship Service – April 19, 2020
(10:15) Facebook Live Stream Sunday
Prelude/ Lighting of the Candles
(L) Opening prayer: God of signs and wonders, breathe new life into us this day, that our spirits may awaken to the joy and the hope of our glorious inheritance through the living Christ. Clear our vision, Holy One, that we may see the promise of Easter in the stirrings of this precious earth and in the life energy flowing through our bodies. Help us find the faith to believe where we have not seen, that others may see, in our living and our loving, the glory of the risen Christ. Amen.
Passing of the Peace: (L) The Peace of Christ be with you
(P) And Also with you.
Opening Songs: Today is the day (Lincoln Brewster) & God of Wonders
(L) Acts 19:18 Many of those who believed now came and openly confessed what they had done. With faith and hope, let us now confess our sin.
PRAYER OF CONFESSION: Merciful God, you come offering us peace, but we hold onto our fears; you come offering us faith, but we cling to our doubts; you come offering us a future filled with promise, but we retreat to pleasant memories of the past. We want to believe that you offer us an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading. We want to see ourselves as you see us. We want to live as you would have us live. We want to believe that life is stronger than the death we see all around us. Help our unbelief, O God, that we may truly know and live your gift of resurrection. AMEN.
WORDS OF ASSURANCE: The inheritance that God promises us is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading. Even when we are consumed by doubt, God is always faithful. Even when we lose our way, God is able to bring us home. Even when we are at war with ourselves, God is able to bring us peace. Thanks be to God!
Hymn of Illumination “Spirit of the living God” UMH #393
Children’s Chat
Offertory call (Please remember that you can give your blessings to the church via online giving or by mailing a check to the church office. Please write ATTN: Debbie on the envelope)
Remember the words Jesus said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive. Offertory Music
Offertory Prayer: O God, our refuge and our strength, we rejoice that you are our chosen portion, you are our cup that overflows to eternal life. As we celebrate your Easter miracle of bringing life out of death, we express our gratitude and joy for the new life budding within us and around us. Bless
the gifts we offer you this day, that they may bring hope and new life to a world that clings even now to the illusion of death’s victory over the Lord of Life. Amen.
Gospel Reading: “John 20:19-31”
L: This is the word of the Lord.
P: Thanks be to God.
Song of Response “Surely the presence of the Lord” UMH#328
Message ‘The Nails in His Hands’ By Edward Granadosin Pastor East Alton First UMC
Pastoral Prayer
Closing Hymn “He Lives” UMH #310