Worship Service – June 14, 2020
2nd Sunday after Pentecost Year A
(10:15) Facebook Live Stream
Prelude/ Lighting of the Candles
Opening Prayer: God of wondrous love, your miracles always catch us by surprise. When our time of blessing comes, may we laugh with Sarah and dance with Abraham. When our bodies are touched by your healing grace, may we bow before your throne of glory. Come to us now, as we
gather to worship, that we might be touched by your Spirit and made whole by your grace. AMEN.
Passing of the Peace: (L)The Peace of Christ be with you
(P) And Also with you
Opening Songs: Shine Jesus Shine & Amazing Grace (My Chains are Gone)
The God revealed to us in the pages of scripture is a welcoming and inclusive God who directs us to love one another. We seek to remove all the barriers that keep us from that love. Come now to confess all that separates you from others and from God.
Prayer of Confession: Steadfast source of mercy and grace, we long for you to touch our lives, as you touched the lives of Sarah and Abraham; we yearn to laugh at blessings that are so unlikely, we can scarcely believe them; we desire to feel in our very bones, that no problem we face is beyond your care. Grant us the wisdom to put our trust in you, and to offer you our
songs of praise and our shouts of joy. AMEN
Words of Assurance: In God’s faithfulness, we are made well. In Christ’s love, we discover righteousness and peace. In the Spirit’s sustaining power, we find strength for the journey. Thanks be to God.
Hymn of Illumination “Spirit of the living God” UMH #393
Children’s Chat
Offertory call (Liturgist, please call ushers forward at this time)
Remember the words Jesus said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.
Offertory Music
Offertory Prayer: Touch these gifts, O God, with your manifold blessings. Touch our very lives, that we may be instruments of your hope. May our gifts and our lives bring your healing, love, and compassion to a world in need. AMEN.
Recognition of Graduates Pastor Ed and Angela Sarandis
Scripture Reading: Exodus 19:2-8a
L: This is the word of the Lord.
P: Thanks be to God.
Song of Response “Surely the Presence of the Lord” UMH#328
Message ‘Treasured Possession’ by Edward Granadosin Pastor East Alton 1st UMC
Pastoral Prayer
Closing Hymn “Marvelous Grace of Our Loving Lord” UMH #365