Worship Service – July 5, 2020

(10:15) Facebook Live Stream Sunday

Prelude/ Lighting of the Candles

Opening Prayer: Creator God, you have created us to walk with you. Help us walk with you in this time of worship, that we may be strengthened to walk with you all the days of our lives. As we come to you this day, bless us with your grace and your rest, that we may find renewal and the strength to serve with confidence and joy. Amen.

Passing of the Peace: (L) The Peace of Christ be with you
(P) And Also with you.

Opening Hymn: Lift up Your Heads Ye Mighty Gates (all stanzas) UMH #213

Acts 3:19 Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord. With faith and hope, let us come before our Lord to confess our sins.

Prayer of Confession: Prophetic One, you call us to new places and new ways. You challenge us dance new steps and to sing new songs. We yearn to follow you with confidence and joy, but our resistance is often stronger than our willingness. At times, our steps falter. At moments, we
can’t even hear your voice, let alone recognize your song in our hearts. Strengthen us with your mercy. Renew us with your grace. Sing to us with your compassion. Connect us with the yoke of unconditional love, that we may follow joyously, dance confidently, and sing praise and love with every act and with every word of our lives. In your holy name, we pray. AMEN.

Words of Assurance: Rejoice and give thanks. With grace, Christ is already carrying our burdens to renew our souls. With mercy, Christ is already shouldering our load to strengthen our lives.

Hymn of Illumination “Spirit of the living God” UMH #393

Children’s Chat
L: Offertory call (Liturgist, please call ushers forward at this time)
Remember the words Jesus said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.
Offertory Music
Offering (click here to make your tithing online)
Offertory Prayer: Receive these gifts we now bring, God of gifts, and bless them to be gifts for your world. Through our giving, renew others, that they too may know the comfort and rest of living in the arms of your compassion and your love. Amen.

Scripture Reading: Romans 7:15-25a
L: This is the word of the Lord.
P: Thanks be to God.

Song of Response Surely the presence of the Lord UMH #328

Message That’s Why Jesus Came By Edward Granadosin Pastor East Alton First UMC

The Great Thanksgiving/Holy Communion


Closing Hymn Spirit of Descend Upon My Heart (3 verses only) UMH #500



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East Alton, IL 62024

Sunday 8am – 12pm
Monday-Thursday 10am – 12pm
Closed Friday and Saturday

Phone: 618-259-1306

Email:  EAFUMC@hotmail.com

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All are Welcome with open hearts, open minds, and open doors. Come grow with us!