Worship Service – August 9, 2020
10:15 FacebookLive Stream/In-person Worship Sunday
Prelude/ Lighting of the Candles
Opening Prayer: Eternal God, you visit us in dreams, offering us glimpses of new possibilities. Rescue us from life’s storms, and lift us from the raging waters. Be with us now, as we call on your name. Reveal your purposes for our world, that we may be of use and service. Bless us with the courage to spread your word, that it may be said of us: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!”
Passing of the Peace: (L)The Peace of Christ be with you
(P) And Also with you.
Opening Songs: You Are Holy (Prince of Peace) & Shout to the Lord
Romans 10:9 that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved; Come now to confess all that separates you from others and from God.
Prayer of Confession: God of infinite possibilities, we are like a boat that is beaten by the storm: without your aid we are powerless to get where we are going; we are like disciples who sit in fear for their lives: without your presence we are trapped within the prison of our feelings of helplessness; we are like those lost in wonder and disbelief: without your assurance we quickly drown in our hopelessness and despair. Grant us the courage of Peter to believe that through your power anything is possible. Give us the confidence of Joseph to live as dreamers, even when the world turns against us, that we may always be found faithful. Amen.
Words of Assurance: Christ’s love is greater than our deepest failings. “The scripture says, ‘No one who believes in him will be put to shame.’… For, ‘Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.’
Hymn of Illumination “Spirit Song” (1st Verse only) UMH #347
Children’s Chat
Offertory call (Liturgist, please call ushers forward at this time)
Remember the words Jesus said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.
Offertory Music Charles Smith
Offering (to give online, please click here)
Offertory Prayer: Loving God, your mercies know no bounds. Though his own brothers threw him into a pit and sold him into slavery, Joseph remained faithful. Though his feet were bound with chains and his neck with a collar of iron, Joseph placed his fate in your hands. May our
lives reflect this same devotion in all our endeavors. And may our offering be sign of our faithfulness to you, O God, our savior and deliverer. Amen
Special Song Pastor Ed
Scripture Reading: Matthew 14:22-33
L: This is the word of the Lord.
P: Thanks be to God.
Song of Response “As the Deer” The Faith we Sing
Message Don’t mind the Storm… Just Come! by Pastor Edward Granadosin
Pastoral Prayer
Closing Hymn “We shall Overcome” UMH #533