Worship Service – December 20, 2020

10:15am Facebook Live Stream Worship Sunday

Lighting of the 4th Candle of Advent “Joy”

Mission Moment

Opening Prayer: Mighty God, pour out your Holy Spirit on all of us gathered here. As we follow in Mary’s footsteps, open our hearts, that we might be filled with your goodness and your love. Live in us, that we might bear the Christ light for all to see. Overshadow us with your presence, that we might truly be blessed and offer your blessing of love to the world.

Passing of the Peace: (L)The Peace of Christ be with you
(P) And Also with you.

Opening Songs: Rise up and Praise Him & We All Bow Down

Luke 12:8 8″I tell you, whoever publicly acknowledges me before others, the Son of Man will also acknowledge before the angels of God. So, let us draw near to God with sincerity and confidence, and pray together.

Prayer of Confession: Savior God, shine upon us with your grace. We long to align ourselves with the proud and the mighty. Guide us to walk with those who are poor and weak. When we yearn for riches and glory, guide our hearts back to your thirst for justice and righteousness. Remember us with mercy. We desire to live as the household of faith you would have us be. Help us live according to your gospel and trust that all things are possible
in your love. In Christ’s saving grace, we pray. Amen.

Words of Assurance: Rejoice! God has looked with favor upon the powerless and the lowly. Christ has come to redeem us from our sin. The Spirit has strengthened us with the power of grace and love. In the mercy of the triune God, we are forgiven.

Hymn of Illumination Spirit Song (1st Verse only)

Children’s Chat/A Modern Christmas Play

Offertory call (Liturgist, please call ushers forward at this time)
Remember the words Jesus said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive. Offertory Music Sue Keasler
Offering (click here to tithe online)
Offertory Prayer: Remembering the great things God has done for us, we are now invited to return these symbols of our gratitude to God. Even when we offer small things, when they are given with the love of Christ in our hearts, God can transform our gifts into mighty miracles. Let us fill the hungry with our gifts. Let us lift up the lowly with our compassion. Let
us remember a world in need. With mercy and love, let us offer ourselves and our gifts.

Special Song

The Gospel Reading: Romans 16:25-27
L: This is the word of the Lord.
P: Thanks be to God.

Song of Response As the Deer The Faith We Sing

Message The SECRET IS OUT by Pastor Ed

Pastoral Prayer


Closing Hymn To God Be the Glory, Great Things He Hath Done! UMH #98



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